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Remuneration policy

SRE has an Employee Compensation Policy approved by the Council of the company.

Its objectives are:

  • to establish a unified and transparent SRE employee compensation system and to determine the principles of formation of the total remuneration, division of responsibilities and administration rules;
  • to improve the performance of SRE, to compensate the work performance by increasing the personal interest of employees in achieving the quantitative and qualitative results of SRE values and the set goals of the company; structural units and individually set goals;
  • to stimulate employees in the interests of SRE to use their physical and intellectual potential as effectively as possible, to promote employee job satisfaction, a favourable microclimate and employee loyalty.

The employee compensation policy describes the division of responsibilities between the Council, the Board, heads of structural units and employees, the principles of determining the basic salary, bonuses, gratuities, as well as other issues related to the promotion and support of employees.

In determining the remuneration of the SRE Council and the Board, requirements and principles set in the regulatory enactments - Law on Governance of Capital Shares of a Public Person and Capital Companies, Cabinet Regulation No. 63 of 4 February 2020 “Regulations on the number of Board and Council members of a public person capital company and public private capital company, and the maximum amount of monthly remuneration of Board and Council members”, Cross sectoral coordination centre approved guidelines “Guidelines for the determination of remuneration for board and council members of public person capital companies and public private capital companies” are considered.